Our School E.T. (Movie)

Posted by rtose1 on Sunday, April 28, 2013

SYNOPSIS BY: http://southkoreaaddict.blogspot.com/2010/11/our-school-et.html

Kim Seong Gun (Kim Su Ru) is a sport teacher in school. Due to his discipline behavior to the students, parents of the students protest to the school and said sport is unnecessary in school, they want English lesson rather than sport lesson and they want Teacher Kim resign from school. Principle (Lee Han Wie) who is close friend of teacher Kim give him chance to be English teacher in the school. Many students that love him help him to pass the English test and become fail English Teacher
SYNOPSIS BY: http://southkoreaaddict.blogspot.com/2010/11/our-school-et.html

Download Movie: Disk A | Disk B

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