The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (later retitled The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride) is a 1998 animated direct-to-video film created by Walt Disney Pictures and Walt Disney Animation Australia and released on October 27, 1998 by Walt Disney Home Video (aka Buena Vista Home Entertainment). The film is the sequel to the 1994 Disney animated blockbuster The Lion King. It was later re-released as a special edition DVD (which altered the original title's "II" into "2") on August 31, 2004. It was also re-released again on Blu-ray alongside The Lion King and The Lion King 1½. The Blu-ray edition will be placed into the Disney Vault on April 30, 2013.
The film centers around Simba and Nala's daughter, Kiara, who strongly falls in love with Kovu, a male lion who was raised in a pride of Scar's followers and Simba's enemies, the Outsiders. Desperate to be together, they must overcome the two obstacles that are keeping them apart: Kovu's mother, Zira, and Simba's prejudices against the Outsiders. It also centers around Simba's father-daughter relationship with Kiara, who has a desire for taking care of herself and being on her own, under her father's protection. While the original film's plot seems to have been inspired on the Shakespearean play Hamlet, this sequel's plot is similar to another Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet.
Discussion began about the possibility of a sequel to The Lion King before the first film even hit theaters. Most of the original cast reprised their roles from the first film, with the notable exceptions of Rowan Atkinson, who was replaced by Edward Hibbert as the voice of Zazu in this film and its follow-up/predecessor The Lion King 1½ and Jeremy Irons, who was replaced by Scar's singing voice actor from the first film Jim Cummings as the voice of Scar in this film. Also, Madge Sinclair, who was the voice of Simba's mother Sarabi in the first film, died before this film was released, therefore her character was written out and did not appear.
The animals of the Pridelands gather to witness the celebration of the newborn cub, Kiara, daughter of King Simba and Queen Nala. As she grows older, Kiara becomes annoyed with her father's overprotective parenting. Simba assigns Timon and Pumbaa to keep an eye on her. Kiara manages to escape the duo's attention and enters the "Outlands", where she meets Kovu, a cub who is Scar's heir. When Kovu retaliates to Kiara's playing, out of nowhere, Simba appears and roars at the young cub, and Zira, Kovu's mother (who had been watching them from the bushes) also emerges. Zira and Simba face off, with Zira reminding Simba of how he exiled her and the other Outlanders. She also tells him Kovu was hand-chosen to be Scar's successor, but Simba decides to ignore her and returns to the Pride Lands with Kiara, lecturing her on the dangers the Outlanders pose.
Zira confronts Kovu for going into the Pridelands, reminding him that Simba was the one that killed Scar and was the one who exiled the lions who respect Scar. Kovu explains that he does not think it is so bad to have Kiara as his good friend, and Zira realizes she can use Kovu's friendship with Kiara to get to Simba and soon plots a plan to get revenge.
Now a young adult, Kiara heads out for her first solo hunt. Nuka and Vitani trap her in a fire, allowing Kovu to rescue her. Simba, unwilling to thank the young rogue, is forced to accept Kovu's asylum now that Kovu saved his daughter. Kovu contemplates attacking Simba as he was instructed to, but he goes out to hunt with Kiara instead and hardly realizes the love he has for Kiara at this point. Kovu attempts to confess his mission to Kiara, but Rafiki shows up and leads them to the jungle where he introduces them to "Upendi" — love. Ultimately, Kovu and Kiara indeed fall in love with each other.
Kovu's guilt drives him to confess about his mission to Kiara. Before he can do so, Simba tells him the real story of Scar, which Kovu had never heard. They fall into an ambush set up by Zira's pride, however. Kovu has the opportunity to kill Simba, but runs away instead. Nuka, trying to prove to Zira that he can capture Simba, is killed when some of the logs crush him to death. Zira blames Kovu for his brother's death and claws him across his eye in anger and frustration, scarring his face. Kovu attempts to return to the Pride Lands and pleads Simba for his forgiveness, but is rejected and promptly exiled. Kiara runs off to find Kovu. They later find each other and Kovu expresses his feelings to Kiara. However, Kiara convinces Kovu to return to the Pridelands. Meanwhile, Simba is informed of an attack by the Outlanders.
The Outlanders and Pridelanders clash and a battle ensues. Zira and Simba confront each other, but Kovu and Kiara intervene and tell them to stop their hostilities. Kiara, reminding her father that there are no differences between the two prides, causes Simba to realize what he said earlier and the Outlanders side with them. Zira attempts to attack Simba, only for Kiara to send her over a cliff dangling over a storm-swollen river. Kiara offers Zira her help, but she refuses and falls to her death. Simba rescues Kiara in time and he, along with Nala, allows the Outlanders and Kovu to rejoin the Pride Lands at Pride Rock, and even accepts Kovu as the future king and Kiara the future queen. Simba looks up at the sky to hear the approval of his father, Mufasa.