The Big Boss (Movie)

Posted by rtose1 on Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Big Boss (Chinese: 唐山大兄, also known as Fists Of Fury) is a 1971 Hong Kong martial arts action film written and directed by Lo Wei, with assistance from Bruce Lee. It stars Lee, Maria Yi, James Tien and Tony Liu. Bruce Lee's first major film, it was written for James Tien. However, Lee's strong performance overshadowed Tien, already a star in Hong Kong, and made Bruce Lee famous across Asia.

Cheng is a Chinese man from mainland China who moves to Thailand to live with his uncle and works in an ice factory. When a block of ice is accidentally broken, a bag of white powder falls out. Several of Cheng's cousins are asked to see the manager. The factory is really a front for a drug smuggling ring led by Hsiao Mi. When they refuse to cooperate, they are killed and their bodies disposed of.
Two more cousins go to Hsiao Mi's house but Hsiao Mi has them killed. The men at the factory riot. To ease tensions, the Big Boss now makes Cheng a foreman, providing him with alcohol and prostitutes. When one of the prostitutes tells Cheng the truth, he breaks into the factory at night and finds his cousins' bodies. He is discovered by the gangsters.
Cheng fights his way out, killing the Big Boss's son Hsiao Chiun in the process. When he returns home, he finds his entire family has been murdered. He exacts revenge by killing Hsiao Mi in a final fight. He then surrenders to the Thai police, who arrive shortly after he has disposed of the Big Boss

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